Project details
August 2015 (Released in August 2016)
Reckon (Accounting software company)
Key goal
Redesign of the Reckon One navigation in order to make functions and features easier to find.
My responsibilities
Research, wire framing & prototyping, usability testing, presenting to stakeholders, and training
Me – UX Design, Johnny Bojaca – UI Design, Dean Darke – Product Owner
How the project started
I had been monitoring feedback from users for some time, and I noticed a pattern around navigation issues for the terminology, menu item placement as well as some navigation items were getting missed.
Key learnings
- A lot of the current features were buried, and as new features get added it would get worse if nothing changed
- Most competitors had Banking as it’s own section – colleagues confirmed this as a good idea as this section is highly used
- A vertical design was best to accommodate for future growth and device use
- Some icons that were initially chosen for the vertical design had to be replaced
Changes that were implemented
- The horizontal navigation became vertical with sections that would open up accordion style, and could be collapsed into just icons
- Banking was pulled out and made into it’s own first level menu section
- Breadcrumb navigation
- The users and roles, general settings, tax settings and payroll settings were united into one settings area
- Majority of functions are now accessible within 2 clicks
- Functions are a lot more visible, and according to feedback it ‘feels like’ there are more functions, even though we haven’t added any
- ‘Poor usability/not being user friendly’ as a reason for churn or not converting from trial to paid was heavily reduced
- Basic help inquiries from small/micro businesses had dropped, and increased from small to medium sized businesses